Deep Spatio-Temporal Residual Networks for Citywide Crowd Flows Prediction
Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng, Dekang Qi (Microsoft Research) 2017
Keras implementation :
- Forecating the flow of crowds
In this paper, we predict two types fo crowd flows : inflow and outflow
- Inflow and outflow of crowds are affected by the following
- Spatial dependencies
- Temporal dependencies
- External influence : such as weather, events
- Contributions
- ST-ResNet employs convolution-based residual networks to model nearby and distance spatial dependencies between any two regions
- three categories of temporal properties : temporal closeness, period, and trend. ST-ResNet use three residual netowrks to model these, respectively
- ST-ResNet dynamically aggregates the output of the three aforementioned networks.
Formulation of Crowd Flows Problem
- Region : we partition a city into an I*J grid map
- Inflow/outflow : Let P be a collection of trajectories at the tth time interval. For a grid (i, j) that lies at the ith row and jth column, the inflow and outflow of the crowds at the tiem interval t are defined respectively as
\(x_t^{in, i, j} = \sum_{T_r \in P} |{k > 1 |g_{k-1} \notin (i, j) \land g_k \in (i, j)}| \\
x_t^{out, i, j} = \sum_{T_r \in P} |{k \ge 1 |g_{k-1} \in (i, j) \land g_{k+1} \notin (i, j)}|\)
- \(T_r : g_1 \to g_2 \to ... \to g_{\left\vert T_r \right\vert}\) is a trajectory in P
- \(g_k\) is the geospatial coordinate
- \(g_k \in (i, j)\) means the point \(g_k\) lies within grid (i, j), and vice versa
- \(\left\vert \cdot \right\vert\) denotes the cardinality of a set
Deep Spatio-Temporal Residual Networks
comprised of four major components modeling temporal closeness, period, trend, and external influence, respectively.
First, we turn inflow and outflow throughout a city at each time interval into a 2-channel image-like matrix.
- Then, we divide the time axis into three fragments, denoting recent time, near history and distant history. The 2-channel flow matrics of intervals in each time fragment are the fed into the first three components seperately to model the aforementioned three temporal properties: closeness, period, and trend
- three components share the same network structure(Regisudal Unit sequence)
- The output of the three components are fused as \(X_{Res}\) based on parameter metrics, which assign different weights to the results of different components in different regions.
In the external component, we manually extract some feature form external datasets, such as weather conditions and events, feeding them into a two-layer fully-connected neural network.
- \(X_{Res}\) and \(X_{Ext}\) are integrated together. Then, the final output is mapped into [-1, 1] using Tanh function.
Structures of the First Three Components
- Do not user subsampling, but only convolutions
- closeness component
- \([X_{t-l_c}, X_{t-l_c-1}, ..., X_{t-1}]\) : concatnate them along with the first axis
- \(X_c^{(0)} \in R^{2l_c \times I \times J}\) is followed by
Residual Unit
: stack \(L\) residual units to capture very large citywide dependenciesResidual Unit
combinations fo “ReLu + Convolution” and “BatchNormalization” is added before ReLu.- On top of the \(L^{th}\) residual unit, we append a convolutional layer
- output of the closeness componet is \(X_c^{(L+2)}\)
- period component
- Assume that there are \(l_p\) time intervals from the period fragment and the period is \(p\) ;\([X_{t-l_p \cdot p}, X_{t-(l_p-1) \cdot p}, ..., X_{t-p}]\)
- output : \(X_p^{(L+2)}\)
- in implementation, p is equal to one-day (daily periodicity)
- trend component
- \(l_q\) is the length of the trend dependent sequence and q is the trend span
- input : \([X_{t-l_q \cdot q}, X_{t-(l_q-1) \cdot q}, ..., X_{t-q}]\)
- output : \(X_q^{(L+2)}\)
- in implementation, q is equal to one-week(week trend)
The Structure of the External Component
mainly consider weather, holiday event, and metadata(DayOfWeek, Weekday/Weekend)
stack two fully-connected layers upon \(E_t\)
- first layer : embedding layer
- second layer : to map low to high dimensions that have the same shape with \(X_t\)
- flows of two regions are all affected by closeness, period, and trend, but the degrees of influence may be very different ; parametric-matrix-based fusion
- \(\circ\) is Hadamard product (i.e., element-wise multiplication)
\(W_c, W_p, W_q\) are learnable parameters
- fusing the external component
- objectives : minimizing mean squared error between the predicted flow matrix and the true flow matrix.
- Datasets
- Baselines
- HA : historical data (previous week, same time)
- ST-ANN : It first extracts spatial (nearby 8 regions’ values) and temporal (8 previous time intervals) features, then fed into an artificial neural network.
- DeepST : (Zhang et al. 2016)
- Preprocessing
- min-max normalization : [-1, 1] (tanh)
- one-hot encoding for external data
- Result